détails du produit
Horweenシェルコードバンで作ったキーフォブ (Type C) です。
このページは、Type Cです。
Type A | 大きな平型リング 小型リング 3つ (全て真鍮製) |
Type B | 大きな平型リング 小ナスカン 3つ (全て真鍮製) |
Type C | ねじ式のフック(真鍮製) |
Shell Key Fob (Type C)
/ Horween Shell Cordovan
There are 3 types depending on the difference in metal fittings.
You can choose 2 different shades of shell in different parts if you like.Please contact me for your request through email or Instagram DM.
This page is for Type C.
Type A | 1 large flat ring 3 small rings (all made of brass) |
Type B | 1 large flat ring 3 small hooks (all made of brass) |
Type C | 1 large hook with screw adjuster (made of brass) |